Friday, September 08, 2006

music video shoot


another week in harlem now. it is a cool place to live. it isent like
the movies would make you think, like it's dodgy but only if you
aren't smart about it. watched Capote, wasent that amazing.

tonight i am helping steve and nissian (X+Rey) shoot a music video at
the infamous (you've probebly never heard of it) Chelsea Hotel. lots
of famous musicians and artists have lived and died here. there is
amazing art on the walls and you can just imagine a concert afterparty
back at the hotel with girls and booze music etc... well tonight that
is what is going to be created, and steve and nissian are going to
shoot it. so that will go all night probebly. i went to STA travel
today to change the flight dates to LA then home. instead of buying a
new ticket to get to LA for the next film, i am going to go home back
to melbourne in like a week or two.... with a 2 month stop over in LA

looking forward to seeing everyone in a few months.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...



that is so awesome man. can't wait to go to the soccer. and play fifa, of course!