Sunday, April 30, 2006


hello everyone.
my second day in NY. arrived yesterday evening. i am staying in a area of manhattan called chelsea. and it seems to be the gay capitol of NY. so much more colour than LA and the vibe is really cool. sleep still a problem. had a couple of hours last night but woke up many times. had a shower and feel refreshed. i have a production meeting on monday and tuesday for the film which shall be interesting. i asked the lady at the desk where a good cafe with an outside area to sit nd chill is and she looked at me funny... this isent melbourne thats for sure. the people are friendly here unlike what many would have heard. but i can understand why. they are proud of their city as they should be and they are very helpfull. the flight from LA was good. technically as it was Qantas it was australia so i made use of it and had a few drinks, and they make them strong, 3 parts scotch to one part coke. met a really nice GP named michael on the flight and he was very nice. he offered to let me share a cab with him. and when we got to his hotel he wouldent let me pay my share, i dident feel too bad as he said it was a "work expense" and he would be reinburst. then i cought the subway to chelsea. so from the airport it cost me $2 to get to my hostel, beat that :) last night for dinner i had a huge slice of pizza, clare, reminded me of Italy and i wished you could have been there for the pizza as it was cool. hey dad, can you please help louis make a email so i can personally keep in contact with the little man. i hope everyone is well in oz!


Anonymous said...

G'day mate.
just a short note, been goin' thru ur clothes as promised and i gotta tell ya I've neva seen so many clothes! so I separated them into darks and not so dark; these I have a suspicion they started out as whites. some I will wash and store away til' you get home, some I will wear and some I will donate to the salvos; if thats ok with you.
It is very strange and somewhat empty without you here Jake, we all miss you very much.
All our love
Dad, Louis and PT

Anonymous said...

hi Jake
It's already started here - the wistful thoughts of 'i wonder how he's going?' and imagining adventures you will never forget and encounters that will shape your life ....
Glad to hear the film side of things gets going Monday -

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake,
Well I actually think that it would have cost $2 anyway had you caught the train all the way....but it's good to hear you are getting about and socialising.....hey have you worked out how to blog photos yet? Show us some pics!
Keep the adventures comming, Rachel.

Anonymous said...

How r ya Face!

Were all missing you down here mate, good to see you got there safely and are meeting new people already (some more chicks would be nice though).
Take it easy and speak to you sooN!

P.s. Are you having Fifa withdrawal problems?