Monday, October 09, 2006

melbourne victory 7 wins from 7 games WOOOO!

we beat Newcastle yesterday, two goals to Allsopp.
i worked on a film called Mama's boy with Attila the other day. we came on board right at the end of the shooting schedule, the last two days of shooting. it was about the same budget as ashes it seemed, maybe a little less but they did have a fantastic dolly rig and tracks (like train tracks so the camera can move smoothly). the movie is about these two gay guys who have something to do with this other guy who gets kidnapped by his landlady and kept in a cellar or something like that.... strange. Kerri gets back to NY, again today so i will see her before i go to Steve and Sarah's for dinner with Isla Fisher (wedding crashers)  i haven't seen her for many years so that will be cool. i keep getting headaches recently which is very annoying. i have been conserving money pretty well recently. haven't been going out on the town very much which saves alot of money. i made a big mistake the other day. i still had Steve's key to his apartment and i was meant to call him about it but i was so busy at the set that i didn't get around to it. as it turns out he needed the keys more than i thought. he gets to Harlem and Sarah isn't their so he had to wait for an hour before deciding to go back downtown to get the keys from Sarah. i cringed hard when i got that email. things are pretty damn good here, other than these headaches. how is everyone back home? wont be too long now before i see you all. i got a lovely message from Barry yesterday (chookie, my grandad but he looks like he could be my brother, fit old bugger haha).
catch you later.


Anonymous said...

mate - victory are on fire. playing adelaide at telstra dome next weekend - theyre expecting 35000 there!

ill let you know how good it is.

Jake said...

tim cahill? haha. i was on youtube yesterday looking at a compilation of his goals. now he is a legend! he is on fire as well for everton, our mortal enamies. see i supported allsopp all last year when everyone else was booing him, i believe even you two boys. well well well, second top scorer for the a-league after muscat. some good assists too and allround champion... ha!

Anonymous said...

Truth is jakey - the only reason allsopp is doing well at all is because the first game of the season, me and aidan told every individual victory fan to give him a go. no lies!

and i might just remind you that aston villa are still undefeated - and we have played chelsea and arsenal away from home - yeah mate.

Jake said...
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Jake said...

damn, i made a really good comment, but i deleted it accidently. it was to do with talking to allsopp about thanking you guys. about how villa is doing well, and west ham are looking to be the next big thing. somthing about victory of course. and asking if you two are comming to the 3 day dance party thingggy out in the forrest, i know that clare v, clare b, ben, edith, jodz,
kat, liam, zac, james, aimee, jenny are going, you guys on board>?

Anonymous said...

no way i am going to that. im sure it would be fun, but its just not my thing. mate west ham should be the next big thing but havnt won any games bro.

we're going pyramid rock festival for 3 days over new years. silverchair and that type bands are playing - i am going to drink sooooo much.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake
sori mate, Ive been a bit quiet for the last couple o weeks, food poisening does that to you.....
Hey.... eat more fresh fruit, steamed veges, drink more water/less grog, dont smoke as much, get more sleep, should fix yer headaches (probably ruin yer social life tho,he he he)
A little comtemplative thought every now and again should help too(meditation)
say 'hi' to unca steve n aunty sarah from us, Louis' been a little (storm) trooper over the lsat couple o weeks, god bless'im...
we love you and we miss you Jake
Wen u comim home?
Love dad

Jake said...

food poisening :o

that is terrible! you ok? how did you get it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake
i took a bite of a half cooked dim sim that one of the students offered me, the rest is history.... imagime that, taken out by a dim sim..
better now but been a rough couple o weeks, be back to my old self(whatever that means?) in a week or two.
Take care mate
Love dad

Jake said...

was it mimi? i wouldent trust her cooking, no offence to her ;)

did which ever student cook it get sick as well? if not, it seems it may be a conspiricy to take over the house, as if the house it self was a mafia family. hitman dim sims, near fataly wounded boss... it seems the capo must return from business deals in NY to enforce some stability... in the mean time, prehapse swap some of their eggs with old eggs, get louis, and his crew of pisanos to be a physical presence. i feel that the uprising can be stopped by a show of numebrs on your part. prehapse have louis and jesse on the front porch, sophie and the kid next door on patrol duty in the hallway, and of course the "boot's hitcat squad" will have your back over the student mafia if there is an all out war, due to our families long standing relationship dating back to the days of Don Boots, even the threat of bringing in the kittens should hold of any more attempts from the student mob, although they do have some power, as they are the earners and do offer vaste fiscal tributes to the boss, so i would employ a plan to finacially soften the blow of an all out war and the implied halt of cashflow from boss mimi and her enforcers by setting up some rackets, prehapse louis could work on a lemonade stand, (although in my absence i am out of the loop with the current situation on the streets, do we still own control of the sidewalk?).................

oh my god, jake please stop now..... your out of control!!


quote: "the ability to entertain ones self using imagination is the corner stone of the "jake philosophy"

Anonymous said...

hurry up and post again - i am getting bored at work..

Anonymous said...

ello ello

avent been ere for a while

hows things going for ya jake?
headaches dont sound too awesome
one more term left of yr 11 then one year left at school
enyways, sounds like a huge busy life
i have no idea what melbourne is doing so well at...
but yeh, great :)

enyways, carnt wait to catch up
til me when ur coming back and ill post my number

love ya jake