check it: i got to my hostel at like 11PM after a looong day to find
they were booked out completely, so i had to get all my bags,
everything i own and ride in the rain looking for another hostel. i
find one and manage to get one night there. i go to my dorm, tired
scrap that, exhausted to find three European girls having a pajama
party eating pizza; usually i would be very happy to find my room
inhabited by attractive pizza eating euro girls, but not last night.
they kept me awake till like 3 in the morning; my alarm set for
4:30AM... i wake up at like 7am so i am already one hour late for
work. i find that my alarm is switched off, one of the girls had woken
up and turned of my alarm before it could wake me up, biatch. i get to
work at abut 8:30am i think and Bridget (art director) isn't able to
be there again so for 17 hours i was props, production assistant, 2nd
assistant camera, production designer, art and assistant art director.
i literally fell asleep leaning on a table by the end of the day, but
i worked hard and felt pleasure in doing so. today i feel great!
really tired but great. i moved into this huge apartment/loft on
Broadway st in Soho, just below spring street. (the hippest, coolest
location in NY) Attila, 1st Assistant Director joins me tomorrow and
we are staying there for a month or so. Attila is a legend!!! soo
funny, and i don't even know why but he is. i am right around the
corner from all the places i was traveling to when i lived in Chelsea,
it is the best thing that has happened to me yet in NY, getting this
place. tonight i am going to go get some dinner (i haven't eaten all
day) then at 10 i am going to go out for drinks with Lyndie, a cool
girl i met last weekend.
just curious, does anyone read my blog anymore? i ask because i
haven't really had a chance to keep it nice and updated, this last
week i have been literally finishing work and going straight to bed,
waking up and going straight to work, no down time at all.
hi jake
every day - yes we do - and love to hear your news, tho' young 'un asks why no capital 'I's?
love auntie sal
i read it broseph
hey ya jackos i check it every day for updates!!! im a little sadened though i havent recieved an email for some time!!! miss you so much!!! love you!! love clare xox
Yes we read... and occasionally I have a closer look at the elements that displease me and I fix them...
uncle tom
the days tick by ... don't forget us back here, hey jakie!
Hi Jake,
hozit going i miss you sooooooooo!much but i hope you are having lots of fun. Dad and i are watching Titanic and watching the footie(syd v staints staints won) (not good!!) well right now Dad and i re having fun (not lots!) if you were heare we would be having lots of fun (i mean lots!) bye bye bye bye bye bye bye xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Jake Face!
I love checking out your news and hearing your stories! I miss you terribly, but im so glad your enjoying yourself. You sound like a full on pro at what your doing, im so proud! Keep up the good work and the positive attitude. YOUR THE MAN! Love u lots,
Jendawg xoxox
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