Monday, May 29, 2006

Late nights

hey guys.

We have had some crazy nights for the film but last night/two nights ago it was 11PM till like around 10AM on set then I couldn't book a room till 1PM, so I passed out right at the bottom of the stairs...! I still feel scattered and dazed, so last night I woke up at around 1AM and decided to go to the pub, which I am very glad I did.

Oh, I almost forgot! Melbourne Victory bought two Brazilian strikers!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello to you Jake
I remember when we talked together about your mother and I said to you "if you believe in god, your mother will come to you and talk to you in your dreams, and you'll see her all the time. That she is with you." Just remember when we talked together about my god. Wherever you go, just believe in him, and he will always help you find the way - he always shows you the way you need to go.
I hope you remember me!
I'm really, really happy for you that you are in New York and that you find the way that you are looking for.
Your friend, Rosa
My email address is